recording audio on a mac

Search your computer for QuickTime Player
Open QuickTime Player and go to
File → New Audio Recording
Click the little white DOWN ARROW and confirm that proper microphone 
is selected. If you’re using the built in microphone, INTERNAL MICROPHONE will likely be selected. Usually this is already set correctly, and you will not have to change anything.
Before the interview starts, press the RED button to begin recording. Don't worry we'll remind you.
When the interview is over, press the BLACK STOP BUTTON to stop the recording.
Go to File → Save to save the recording to your computer. Save to your desktop or another location where you can easily find the file.

recording audio in windows

If you have your own recording method feel free to ignore the following. If not, we’ve found this method to be the easiest option.
First, download and install AUDACITY at the following link.
Open Audacity and click the below pull-down menu to confirm the appropriate microphone is selected.
Before the interview starts, hit the RED RECORD BUTTON. Don’t worry, we’ll remind you.
When the interview is over, hit the STOP button.
Go to File → Export and save the file as a WAV file.

thank you for joining us
on the rubin report!

In an effort to deliver premium content to our audiences, we strive to produce interviews that showcase our guests with the highest quality video and audio. Though we will be recording audio on our end, the audio we record through the internet will be lower quality than the audio you could record locally.

With minimal effort, your help can elevate your Rubin Report appearance to the quality it deserves. We’ve provided simple instructions below on best practices and recording options.

If you have your own method of recording audio... GREAT! You can ignore these instructions, but please still review the PRE-INTERVIEW summary below, and feel free to use our DROPZONE at the bottom of this page to send us the file.

Thank you again, and we look forward to having you on the Rubin Report!


To prepare for the interview, please find a quiet, well-lit area. Small rooms are best, as large rooms have the potential to produce an echo. Do your best to avoid backlighting by insuring there are no windows or bright areas behind you. Close all windows, and shut off any loud fans, air-condition systems or other appliances that produce an unwanted buzz, hum or noise. Lastly, please wear headphones (IFB Earpiece, EarPods, AirPods or whatever you’re comfortable with). This will eliminate unwanted feedback from your speakers, which would otherwise be picked up by your microphone.

Once you have saved the file, come back to this webpage and drop the audio file in the dropzone below.